Early Nonconformity in Frome These names all appear in John O.Lewis's "Early Nonconformity in Frome and District", from a transcript of a lecture given to members of the Zion Church Guild in Frome around 1929. Name Origin Status Date ACCORT, John Rodden Elder of Frome under Commonwealth 1640s ALBIN, Rev Henry Batcombe Pastor at Rook Lane after ALLEIN 1680s ALLEN, Richard Ditcheat Joint minister of Frome under Commonwealth, f/o Ric of Batcombe 1647 ALLEIN, Rev Richard Batcombe Succeeded HUMFRIE as nonconformist minister in Frome 1662 ALLEIN, William Minister at Blandford 1660s AVERY, Mr Frome abt 1645 AYRES, Matthew Held Katherine Hill House before John WEST 1760s BAILY, Benjamin Frome Gent, trustee of Zion congregation 1780s BARNARD, Richard Prebendary of Batcombe before Ric ALLEIN bf 1642 BILLINGSLEY, Nicholas Preached at ordination of Thos MORGAN 1716 BISHOP, Mr Minister at Rook Lane 1780s BLYTHE, Samuel Minister at Rook Lane after John BOWDEN 1750 BOWDEN, Elizabeth Wife of Samuel BOWDEN mid 18c BOWDEN, Rev John Minister at Rook Lane died 1750 BOWDEN, Dr Samuel Frome Leaseholder for Rook Lane 1743 BOWERMAN, Anthony Vicar of Frome 1645 BOWLES, John Frome Gent; Party to Starvacre deed 1764 BRITTAIN, Mr Frome Preached to the Zionists who succeded from the Methodists 1770s BROWN, Mr William Frome subscriber to CALAMY's book 1775 BROWNRIGG, Bishop Berkshire? Deserted diocese 1640s BULL, Henry Hall House Churchwarden, armiger; leased land to SINGER family 1730s BURKE, Mr Preacher on the Methodist Circuit abt 1770 CALAMY, Dr Author of "The Nonconformist Memorial" mid 18c CARTRIGHT, Dr John Professor of Theology at Cambridge 1566 CHAMPNEYS, Dorothy Daughter of John CHAMPNEYS, Wife of Robert SMITH died abt 1721 CHAMPNEYS, John Lord of the Manor of Orchardleigh 17c CHAPMAN, John Frome Cordwainer, trustee of Zion congregation 1780s CLARK, John London Printer, Poultry 1717 CLIFT, Mr Pastor at Zion after Edmund DENHAM 1790s CORRIE, Rev Pastor of Rook Lane after Sam BLYTHE 1750s? COTTON family Warminster Worshippers at Horningsham Chapel 16/17c CROMWELL, Lord Henry VIII's Lord Chancellor 1536 CROSS, Nicholas Trowbridge Clerk; Party to Starvacre deed 1764 DANIEL, Prebenary Frome Prebendary? 1886 DAVID, Job Minister of Sheppard's Barton, Frome 1775 DENHAM, Edmund Pastor at Zion after George MANTLE 1780s? DRIVER, Lebbeus Frome Clerk; Party to Starvacre deed 1764 EAST, Timothy Pastor at Zion after John Hyatt 1800s EDGELL, Rev. E.M.R. Rector of Rodden, descendant of METHWYN, A. died early 20c EDWARDS, James Glazier; left Zion Chapel as trustee 1830 FERNIE, Mr Pastor at Zion died 1850 FISHER, Daniel Warminster Clerk; Party to Starvacre deed 1764 FORWARD, Israel Given joint lease by Thomas LACEY on Katherine Hill Hse 1743 GIBBONS, Sarah Widow of Will GIBBONS 1734 GIBBONS, Will Holder of land SE of Katherine Hill House died bf 1734 GWATKIN, Rev Pastor at Rook Lane after Mr WILLIAMS 1750s? HOUSTON, Rev Dr Alexander Asst minister at Rook Lane, led secession to Starvacre 1744 HUNTINGDON, Countess Frome Received appeal to send students to the Frome Zionists 1770s HYATT, John Pastor at Zion after CLIFT, went to London 1799 KENSYCKE, Mr Parson Castle Cary abt 1536 FAIRCLOUGH, Mr Mells Joint minister of Frome district under Commonwealth 1647 FAIRFAX,General Led Parliamentarian forces in Frome 1643 GLANVILL, Joseph Vicar, Frome after HUMFRIE, then Street, Rector of Bath 1662 HACKETT, Robert Co-occupier of Katherine Hill site 1734 HERTFORD,Countess of Friend of THYNNE and Mrs ROWE, Duchess of Somerset Early C18 HORNER, George Cloford Elder of Frome under Commonwealth 1640s HORNER, Sir John Lye Elder of Frome under Commonwealth 1640s HORNER, Thomas Mells Elder of Frome under Commonwealth 1640s HUMFRIE, John First nonconformist minister in Frome, ejected 1662 1649-62 IVYLEAF, Mr Joseph Built chapel for Rook Lane meeting house 1690s? JAMES, Rev Joseph Pastor of Rook Lane 18/19c? JENKINS, Richard Vicar of Street, then Frome after GLANVILLE 1672 JESSER, John Frome Mercer, bought land for Rook Lane Church 1706 KEN, Bishop Bishop of Frome Early 18c KINGMAN, Margaret Frome Mother of Margaret SMITH 1706 LACEY, Anne Grandmother of Thomas LACEY Living 1744 LACEY, Charles Grandson of Anne LACEY 1745 LACEY, Eleanor Daughter of William SHEPPARD, married Timothy LACEY 1740s? LACEY, Thomas Carpenter, sold Katherine Hill site by Walter SINGER 1734 LACEY, Timothy Gs/o Anne, leased Katherine Hill house to John WEST 1765 LACEY, Timothy Frome Nph and gson of Timothy, inherited Katherine Hill site 1780s LAUD, Archbishop Executed 1643 LAWRENCE, Rev Pastor at Rook Lane after Rev PERROT 1767 MANTLE, George Student at Trevucca; first resident pastor at Zion 1780s? MAYES, Isaac Last surviving member of old church at Rook Lane died 1801 METHUEN, Lord of Boer War fame, descendant of A. METHWYN Late 19c/early 20c METHWYN, Anthony Vicar of Frome for 30 years died 1640 MILES, Robert Nunney Clothier; Party to Starvacre deed 1764 MILLETT, Ruth Servant of Tim LACEY, left Zion Chapel as trustee; married Jas EDWARDS 1830 MOORE,Mr Batcombe? Nonconformist, former M.P. 1650s? MORGAN, Thomas Ordained at Frome 1716 MORTIMER, Edward Held land belonging to Margaret SMITH on Rook Lane site 1706 NEWPORT, Arthur Contemporary of LEWIS 1920s PALMER, Samuel Publisher of CALAMY's book 1775 PARSONS, Charles Frome Glover, trustee of Zion congregation 1780s PERROT, Rev Pastor at Rook Lane after Rev POPE 1760s? PHILIPS, Humphrey Somerton Pastor at Rook Lane after ALBIN died 1707 PIERCE, Bishop Episcopalian under Commonwealth 1640s PILGRIM FATHERS Emigrants to New England 1620 POPE, James E. Woodlands Builder of Rook Lane Church 1706 POPE, Rev Pastor at Rook Lane after Rev GWATKIN 1760s? PORTNELL, Miss Ilchester Married Walter SINGER Late 17c? POWELL, John Apprentice to Samuel BOWDEN 18c PRATER, Captain Held land adjoining Rook Lane site 1706 PRIOR, Matthew Friend of Elizabeth ROWE Early 18c REEDE, Christopher Joint minister of Frome district under Commonwealth 1647 RICHARDS, Samuel Provided Frome Methodists with a meeting house 1760s ROGERS, Andrew W. Woodlands Clothier, bought land for Rook Lane Church 1706 ROUSE, Mary Wife of Thomas ROUSE died 1796 ROUSE, Thomas Deacon of Rook Lane died 1810 ROWE, Rev Benoni London? Well connected Father of Thomas ROWE 17c ROWE, Elizabeth Ilchester Daughter of Walter SINGER, b1674, wrote religious works died 1736/7 ROWE, Thomas Hampstead Married Elizabeth in 1710; buried Bunhill Fields 1715 ROWE, William Wealthy father of Benoni ROWE 17c SCOTT, Alice Married William ROWE 17c SCOTT, Thomas Father of Alice SCOTT, M.P. for Aylesbury, Bucks 17c SHEPPARD, John Bought manor of Catherine HILL from Champneys abt 1660 SHEPPARD, John Son of John SHEPPARD Sr; founder of Frome manufacturing dynasty Early 18c SHEPPARD, William Son of John SHEPPARD Jr Early C18 SHRAPNELL, James Trowbridge Clothier; Party to Starvacre deed 1764 SIBREE, Rev John Minister of Rook Lane Church 1790 SIBREE, John Member of Rook Lane Church, educated for ministry, Son of John SIBREE 1815 SIBREE, Peter member of Rook Lane Church, educated for ministry 1819 SINGER, Walter Purchaser of land for Rook Lane Chapel died 1719 SINGER, Sarah D/o Walter, Ss/o William, co-lessee 1734? SINGER, Walter Victualler, leased land by Henry BULL 1734? SINGER, William Son of Walter SINGER, co-lessee of land by Henry BULL 1734? SINKINS, James Draper, represented Zion trustees in land negotiations 1810 SMITH, John Combehay Only son and heir of John SMITH, son of Robert SMITH 1777 SMITH, John Littleton Son of Robert SMITH, sold land for Rook Lane Church to be built 1706 SMITH, Margaret Married Robert Smith 1699 SMITH, Robert Frome Owner of Rook Lane House died 1714 SMITH, Mr Robert Son of Robert SMITH [later bought Manor of Foxcote] died 1703? THYNNE, Sir John Employed Scots Presbyterian builders 1640s TREASURE, John Co-occupier of Katherine Hill site 1734 TYNDALE, William Translator of the Bible Executed 1536 THYNNE, [Thomas?] Lord Weymouth, owner of Longleat, friend of Mrs ROWE and Bishop KEN Early 18c TROTMAN, Daniel Son of Edward TROTMAN, Zion trustee 1808 TROTMAN, Edward Leather currier Late 18c TUCKER, Mr Corsley Wesleyan farmer who joined the Frome Zionists 1770s WATTS, Dr Isaac Friend of Elizabeth ROWE Early 18c WESLEY, Charles Preached in Frome abt 1752 WEST, John Leased Katherine Hill Meeting House from Tim LACEY for Moravians 1765 WHITFIELD, George Preached in Frome Later 18c WILKES, Matthew London Pastor? at Tottenham Court Rd Chapel Early 19c WILKINS, Hugh Held land NE of Katherine Hill site formerly held by Walter SINGER 1734 WILLIAMS, Mr Pastor at Rook Lane after Rev CORRIE died 1750s? WILLIAMS, Mr Pastor at Rook Lane after Mr WILLIAMS 1750s? WINCANTON, Curate of Hostile to nonconformist tendencies abt 1536 WRIGHT, William Joint minister of Frome district 1647 YEOMAN, Capt John 2nd Somerset Regiment Militia 1810